Lauren Price

Consulting Projects Manager

Lauren works most closely with clients to manage our study-based services – both campaign planning and feasibility and works internally to coordinate our service delivery across engagements. She is also currently directing the Museum of Contemporary Art | Denver’s capital campaign.  Lauren is a recent graduate of El Pomar Foundation’s two-year “Leadership and Management of the Non-profit Sector” Fellowship. As a Fellow, Lauren served as the Southwest Regional Coordinator, responsible for managing the Foundation’s grant making and community stewardship initiatives in the five-county area surrounding Durango. The highlight of her time there was managing a council of nine prominent community leaders as they directed El Pomar funds to philanthropic projects of regional significance. Prior to her time in Colorado, Lauren graduated cum laude from the University of Notre Dame and is a trained classical singer.  She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Center for Christian-Jewish Dialogue in Colorado Springs, and volunteers as a Big Sister. Lauren lives in Denver, Colorado.

The RBSCO Team
Lauren Price
Lauren Price
  The Robert B. Sharp Company of
Colorado, Inc.

1490 Lafayette St.,
Suite 204
Denver, CO 80218

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