
Technicalanalysis.com is a blog. Any reference to �this site� or �this blog� in the following disclaimer is referring to my blog, The Technicalanalysis.com.

The information in this site is the opinion of me, the blogger, and not the opinion of my employer or any organization for I am affiliated with. Any information in this site is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual.

I � the author of The Technical Analysis � am not an expert and am not responsible for any consequences resulting from the use of the information on this site. This blog may accumulate comments and I may respond to them. My responses to comments on this site should NOT be taken as confirmation that I am in any way giving �advice� or supplying �wisdom� that should or could be acted upon by the reader. The information on this site and the information that I post on this site should not be taken as fact or absolute. Form your own opinions and be responsible for your own actions.

Content on this site may or may not be valid at the time of posting or after. This blog will be transforming over time, the evolution of this blog�s content may increase lack of validity of information it contains. The information contained in this site may or may not be accurate at the time of posting or any point in time thereafter.

I will not be held responsible, nor will be held liable for anything anyone posts on this site or contributes to it. I will not be responsible for any comments posted by readers or any discussion that takes place on this site.

This blog will likely be read in other countries where censorship and other laws are different than the United States. Other countries may attempt to filter content of the internet. I am not responsible for any defamatory statements bound to government, religious, or other laws from the reader�s country of origin.