
All brochure, photo and visual tour packages include a CD of the photos which have been saved in 2 formats; high resolution for quality print advertising and low resolution for web use. Each Elite Home Tour is a slide show with a creative effect to give it a panoramic feel.


Visual Tour & Photography Only

$105.00 (1-12 photos)
$120.00 (12-20 photos)
$135.00 (20-30 photos)

Visual Tour with brochure package

$75.00 (1-12 photos)
$90.00 (12-20 photos)
$105.00 (20-30 photos)

The prices above also include sending the tour to PPAR.

Post Visual Tour to

$25.00 for non-showcase members
$5.00 for showcase members

Visual Tour Saved to CD

1st CD is $7.50
then each additional CD is $2.50

Brochure Packages


Brochure Options

1-sided - $90.00
2-sided - $115.00
Half fold - $125.00
Tri-Fold - $130.00
8x14 Legal - $145.00

Includes photography,
50-8x11 color brochures
compose property description
create brochure layout & a CD

Add 100 B/W brochures

2-sided - $25.00 1-sided - $15.00
Color Re-prints are $0.50 per side

Create a brochure with your photos

$25.00 creation fee + printing costs

Photography Only

Take interior & exterior photos and a CD*

Send photos to PPAR & Other Websites

$5.00 per website