- That 60s Show -or- It wasn't Al Gore
- Rooted in the Cold War
- DARPA project (ARPAnet) circa. 1969
- No central authority
- NSFNet (Nat Science Foundation) to exchange information amongst academics 1986
- 1990 Tim Berners-Lee at CERN
- Proposed universal access called World Wide Web that encompasses all media and developed HTML language
- 1994 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - responsible for developing guidelines, protocols, software and tools standardization
- Enter the Web: NCSA Mosaic
- Browser that would display graphics 1992
- Netscape Navigator is based on Mosaic
- NOTE: The WWW is a subset of the Internet!
- Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C)
- Standards for HTML, XML, XHTML, CSS, etc.
- Without the W3C we would end up with a bevy of less than-worldwide webs
- Establishes the forums and working groups within which organizations with a stake in the future development in the web can work out agreements and commitments.
- http://www.w3c.org