To get set up for this, the color space has to be set to sRGB
File>Project Settings>Color>Working Space
A lot of video people are blissfully ignorant about color management. Well, that's not gonna cut it when you're working with CINEMA 4D Lite because it does assume you're in a very particular color space, and to get predictable results you need to set up After Effects to match that.
Also, choose Linearize Working Space
CINEMA 4D uses the more accurate color model of linear gamma, which better replicates how our eyes actually work compared to the default computer gamma that many video and 3D video programs assume.
If you're working with a video clip convert the video frame rate to 30 fps (Rt/ctrl click the video footage>Interpret footage>Main>Conform to Frame Rate: 30
One little problem with CINEMA 4D is that it does not work with these fractional frame rates, such as video's common frame rate of 29.97. CINEMA 4D either wants to work in 29 or in 30 frames a second.
Create a new composition 960x540 30 fps 5 secs in length
Drag the video into the comp as a background
Now create a Cinema 4D layer:
Layer>New>Maxon Cinema 4D file
name the file and save in the same directory
Click save. You'll see it'll create a layer in the composition. That layer will have applied to it the CINEWARE effect and then MAXON CINEMA 4D Lite will automatically open.
*depending on may need to log in. I just use my google login. Also, it may ask you to update
which you can choose to do. Last, just close the opening dialog box and go straight to your workspace. This is a tricky part the first time. I got this in Spring 2024:
I had to go to the maxon website and download the latest version. Upon opening the software after installation it made me think I had to get a trial period. If that happens, just close it and go back to After effects and repeat creating the Cinema 4D layer and it will open in the Cinema 4D lite version.
In Cinema 4D go to edit>Project settings
You need to set up the CINEMA 4D project to match your After Effects composition. 30 frames a second is correct, however you'll notice that the time duration is different. My composition in After Effects is five seconds. Five times 30 is 150 frames, not the 90 frames defaulted in CINEMA.
Go underneath the Render menu and open up Edit Render Settings to match the aspect ratio of After Effects. Also, Change the frame range from 0 to 149
Back in After effects you can now extend the length of the layer to the end of the the comp